Thursday, August 13, 2009

Have a sandcastle theme wedding at the beach

A beach theme wedding with sandcastles? We have all tried our hand at building the perfect sandcastle and what fun! There are companies out there that will build a beautiful sandcastle as decoration for your wedding ceremony. What a magical backdrop for your romantic seaside theme....

A sandcastle theme wedding is magical, especially if it can be at the beach. How romantic! You could even incorporate Cinderalla and Prince Charming into this theme if you wanted to.

A sand sculpture would make this an unforgettable setting. You can commission a team of sand sculptures to create a giant castle for you to be married in front of or under - it would be a beautiful setting.

If it is a casual event, have a sandcastle building contest! Great way to occupy the young people if you are having a wedding reception on the beach. Provide pails and shovels as favors for your guests.

•Save the date cards with your theme
• Invitations can compliment your theme-

Casual-usually reserved for a daytime wedding

And a bit more formal. Perfect for a sunset ceremony.

•Get married in the middle of a heart etched on the beach. A sand ceremony is a must!

•A fabulous candy bar with miniature sandpails filled with candies or a fabulous Cupcake bar with Frostings to match your colorscheme for wedding favors- Think of the possibilities!
•Simple and elegant flowers

Or, Sandcastles for centerpieces - Very Eco Friendly and you can add fresh greenery and flowers to dress it up!!
Finally, come up with a special themed drink in a complementary color or the color of the sunset (i.e A Seabreeze) The fun part is creating a signature name for the drink.

How about the Blue Beach Honeymoon!
1 oz vodka
1 oz Blue Curacao (for a deep blue) or Hypnotiq (for a lighter blue)
4 oz Lemonade
Fresh mint

Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake it up. Pour into a glass. Garnish with mint. Enjoy!

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