Tuesday, October 13, 2009

To smash or not to smash!?!?!

There is something so magical about weddings. A day that most girls spend their whole lives planning and dreaming of. I love the magic and to be honest, as a baker and cake decorator by heart, I am most excited about the cake. The smell of buttercream permiating the room is heaven to me and I am on pins and needles until it is served.

I know that most people don't view the cutting of the cake as I do. Fair enough, but when I was planning the last details of my wedding, I was sure to instruct my groom on the dangers of smashing the cake in my face. And the consequences would be BAD! That has me wondering about a referenced quote I read earlier.

"Here's what Kay Arthur wrote about the covenant meal.

After all these things had taken place, they sat down to partake of a covenant meal. At this meal they took bread, broke it, and then placed it into the mouth of their covenant partner with these words, "You are eating me." Then a cup of wine was offered to the covenant partner along with the words, "This is my blood; you are drinking me." Often, unless of course they were Jews, they mingled drops of their own blood in with the wine.

Does all this ring a familiar sound? Remember the little ceremony at the wedding reception, remember wondering if you should order the photographer's ridiculous shot of you with your mouth wide open while your mate fed you a piece of wedding cake? Did you ever wonder where that custom came from? Now you know. Isn't it beautiful! It is a picture of giving yourself to another -- unconditionally, totally, eternally.

Now you know why I object to seeing any bridal couple mash cake in each other's faces. It reflects ignorance of long-standing covenant customs and disrespect for each other and for the marriage covenant which the bridal couple have just made. Please give serious consideration to what Kay Arthur wrote if you are planning to exchange wedding cake as part of your wedding ceremony.

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